Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Preparing for next year

All assessments created in your teacher account in Assessment Center, and all assignments created in Skills Tutor will be deleted after July 31st. If you feel that you will need to save a record of what you have done this year to aid you in what you might do next year, it might be a good idea to print off a few pages from each program.

In Assessment Center, the easiest way to keep track of what you have assessed is to print a copy of your assessment.  To do this, just choose the assessment from the list of assessments, and then click the print button above the test information. You will receive an email letting you know that your test has been prepared and a copy of the test will be attached to the email, or, if you revisit that test again in a few minutes, you might see a printer icon next to the print button, and in that case, you can print the test from that page. This test can be filed away for future reference.  Another idea that can be helpful in the future is to print off the page which shows how many questions for each skill you are choosing. Since you will have to recreate the assessment next year, this page might be more useful than the assessment itself.

In Skills Tutor, choose reports and then choose the Assignment Library report. This report will give you a reminder next year of what you did this year by showing each assignment you used.

If you have a suggestion of how you keep track of your Skills Iowa use, share it with others by writing a comment.

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