Thursday, May 1, 2008

Assessment Center Teacher Tip: Assessment Results Report

Assessment Center offers six reports to the teacher. The first of these reports is called Assessment Results. This is a great report to get a quick overview of the performance of the entire class on one particular assessment. Let's take a look at three of the main features of this report.

First, the class gets broken down into four performance groups: Below Standards, Approaching Standards, Meets Standards, and Exceeds Standards. In each of these divisions, the teacher gets an alphabetical listing of each of the students who fall into those categories. Each of these students has, following his or her name, the percentage which he or she received on this assessment. Clicking on this percentage will take the teacher to that student's assessment. There, the teacher can not only see how the student answered each question on the assessment, but can also see a breakdown of how the student performed on each skill on the assessment. This can be very helpful in answering the question of, "What part did the student not understand?". This report can also quickly point out which students need reteaching of the skill, which can use some practice, and which are ready for enrichment activities.

The next part of this report is a list of students who have not yet taken the assessment. Simple, but important information!

Finally, the teacher will find a series of bar graphs. The bar graphs are designed to show how a class performed on each of the skills found in the assessment. Obviously, this is more useful than the entire percentage since it points out where students are struggling, and where they are showing mastery of a skill. Each of the performance groups is represented on the bar by a percentage of the class who fell into this performance group. Again, there are two easy uses of the report. First, the teacher can quickly see what percentage of the class has met the standard, and how many need more work. Secondly, by clicking on the percentage representing each segment of the bar, the teacher can drill down and get a list of the students who fall into that performance group on that skill. The resulting report will look much like the first part of the Assessment Results report in that there will be four lists showing which students have fallen into each group, but the difference is that this information is representing just one skill, not the entire assessment.

If you have comments about how you use this report, please share it with others by clicking on the comments line below this post. If you have questions about how to use this report, contact your project leader.

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