Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Assessment Center Teacher Tip: Overall Class Performance by Standard Report

The Overall Class Performance by Standard report is a useful tool to see how well a class has mastered a skill that has been administered over several assessments. This report will show what percentage of the class has fallen into each of the four performance levels. By clicking on any of the percentages in the bars that represent each skill, you will be sent to a page with the names of the students who fall into each performance category and you will also get their percentages for that skill.

To use the report, log in to Assessment Center and click on the name of the class you want to work with. Next, click on Reports, and when the page refreshes, click on Overall Class Performance by Standard. On the next page, select the subject you have assessed (remembering that ELA is reading) and the type of assessment that has been given. If you are a teacher and have created the assessment, you want to choose teacher created, TPR means The Princeton Review. Then, click Show Report. Your report will will show on the next page. Click on any skill, and you will be shown the list of students who have fallen into each of the four performance categories. To print this report, it is best to use the window just above the report that says, "Select a Format". You will probably want to select Acrobat (PDF) file. As always, your computer will deal with an Acrobat file the way it deals with all PDF files; it will either save it to a specified place (usually your desktop), it will open it, or it will open it from within your browser. You will need to print the report from within whatever program your computer is set up to use for PDF files. If you need help with this report, or any report, just contact your project leader.

This information will allow the teacher to determine which students have mastered the skill, and which still need more work on it. It's a fast easy report to use for a quick look at the performance of the class.

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