Monday, September 8, 2008

New Students and Assignments

By this time in the year, it is likely that you have had a new student enter your class. Assuming that the person in charge of creating new accounts has created an account for the new student, you will still need to do a few things.

First, sign in to Assessment Center and select the class in which you want to enroll the student. Next, click on the "Class Details" link on the left side of the page. One of the topics that pops up under this link is "Add/Remove Students". Click on this link and enroll the student you are missing by clicking on the name in the left column and then clicking "Save". The new student is now enrolled in your Assessment Center class, and will be available on all of your new assignments, but he/she has not been assigned existing assignments. If you want to assign an existing assignment to this student, click on Assessments in the links on the left. Once the page refreshes, put a check mark in front of the assessment you want to assign, and click on the assign button above the list of assessments. You will want to try this for all of the existing assessments, BUT it will not work. You must assign the assessments one at a time. Once you have done this, you must add the student to the assessment, and then click next and then save on the resulting page.

This student is now enrolled in Assessment Center and in 2009, the class as well as the enrollment has also been created in Skills Tutor. Click on the Skills Tutor link on the left side of the page. Once you are in Skills Tutor click "Classes" and select the class you want to use and click on class properties. You will want to go to the "Give Assignments" page where you can select the assignments you want to give to the new student by clicking on them and clicking on "Done".

As always, if you have problems using either of our programs, contact your project leader.

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