Skills Tutor has many great reports, but if you are looking for the most comprehensive information about an individual student, you want the Student Detail Report.
To get started, click on the Reports link in the left menu, and on the next screen, you will see Student Detail listed among the classroom reports. First, indicate the class for which you want information in the small window in the center of the page. Next, click on Student Detail. What will result is a list of the students in that class; either you can click Select All from the menu on the left or you can select the individual student or students for whom you need information, and then, click Continue on the left. The next screen is a list of all subject areas in Skills Tutor. You can either Select All to insure that you have all areas in which a student has worked, or you can select the subject areas that you are interested in. Next, click Continue and on the screen that results select the time period for which you are interested. After selecting the time period, click Continue and the report will start to download.
Depending on how your computer is configured to work with PDF files, the report will either open, download to your desktop, or be displayed from within your browser. If you have trouble with this, ask your school's technology person for some help, or contact your project leader.
This report will show every student's complete Skills Tutor work history for the selected time period and subjects selected. It will not only show the score for an activity; it will also show how many times a student has done the activity, how many minutes the student spent on the activity, the percentage, and the time of day the student did the work. Having all of this information helps you get a complete picture of how a student is using Skills Tutor.
Remember, each lesson in Skills Tutor is limited to a single skill, so the percentage a student has scored on an activity is the student's performance percentage for that skill.
Still need more help? Contact your project leader.
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