It's one of the last few Fridays of the year, and it brings to mind evaluation of the week, the quarter and the year. How are you evaluating the student progress of this school year. We have the ITBS and ITED tests, and probably at least one other standardized test, and these are wonderful tools. Another wonderful tool that Skills Iowa schools have at their disposal is the Posttests that are included in Skills Tutor. If you have not assigned a posttest to your students, you might want to take the opportunity before the year is over. Using the posttest will do at least two things. First, it will show you and your students where the strengths and weaknesses lie right now, and second, it will serve as a review for any end of the year exit testing you will be giving.
Remember, that Skills Tutor subject areas are divided up by difficulty levels LL, A, B and C. LL is found only in Reading Comprehension, and stands for Lower Level third grade. Level A is roughly equivalent with third and fourth grade; Level B is designed for fifth and sixth grade, and Level C is at a seventh and eighth grade level. Lessons without a letter designation are designed for high school achieving students. Remember, these levels are arbitrary, and are not intended to be used only at the designated grade level; each of you has students who perform at, above or below grade level.
The posttests can be taken over and over, so they can be retaken now, even if the students have already them before. Both sets of results will be saved in the Student Detail report.
If you need assistance with making assignments in Skills Tutor, contact your project leader.
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