Thursday, May 22, 2008

Skills Iowa in the Summer

Your students don't have to stop using Skills Iowa just because school ends for the summer. If you set up assignments in Skills Tutor for your students, they can work with them at home until July 31st. There are many ways to set these assignments up, and you are the one who knows best what needs your students have. If you are assigning a section which the students have not yet done, you could just assign the pretest and Skills Tutor will take care of the rest. If you are assigning in an area that students have already taken the pretest, you may want to assign all of the activities to ensure that the student has access to every skill. Any lessons that have already been done can be done again and again.

You might want to look at the reports and determine which students could go from the level they've been working in to the next level up in difficulty or which students need to work in a lower difficulty lesson to find success. You could also assign each of the A, B, and C levels and let the students determine where they need to work.

Students will spend their time doing something this summer, and not every day lends itself to playing outside or doing chores. If they have at least one alternative to video games, they might just keep learning. A letter home to parents with the instructions on how to access the programs, what the username and password for their student is might just insure that your kids will keep learning during the summer.

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