Sunday, March 29, 2009

Have you helped someone else at your school?

Skills Iowa's project leaders are always willing to help you with any questions you may have about the use of our programs, but sometimes there's nothing like someone sitting right down at your side and answering your questions RIGHT NOW. Since the project leaders can't always be right there right now, someone at your school who uses the programs might be the person to go to. The people using the programs may know the most about them.

Don't know who that might be? Your building administrator can log in and check on the number of logins and assessments given in Assessment Center, and the number of student minutes logged in Skills Tutor. It makes sense that the people with the the highest numbers are the people you might start with.

If your building administrator needs help running those reports, he or she should contact your project leader; they're always willing to help.

If you are that person in your building, letting others know that you might be able to help, may insure that your building keeps a viable level of usage that helps raise student achievement. You can make a difference!

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