Sunday, September 21, 2008

Skills Tutor Report Loading Problems

Sometimes people report problems with their Skills Tutor reports not loading. There are two causes of this problem. The number one cause is having a pop-up blocker in effect. If you have this situation, try holding down on the control key while you give the final command that will load the report. If this doesn't work, you may find success by turning your pop-up blocker off completely. If your district has the ability to allow pop-ups for specified web sites, you should request that pop-ups be allowed to load.

The other cause is not having access to a PDF reader. The most often used reader on a Mac or Windows is Adobe Acrobat Reader; however, Preview on a Mac could handle this task as well. It may be that you have not opened your copy of either program for the first time, and it needs to be opened and have the usage agreement dealt with. If you have to have administrative access to do this at your school, ask your tech person for assistance.  If you can open other PDF files, this is not your problem, and you should look into pop-up blockers.

As always, contact your project leader if you need some assistance with this.

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