Saturday, September 27, 2008

Did you administer the Skills Iowa Math Benchmark Assessment?

If you did, you will want to check the reports. If you are an administrator, log in to your building administrator account. If you are a teacher, log in as you normally do.

For administrators, choose the Reports link on the left. From the resulting list, choose the Assessments Results report and then select the subject and grade. In this case we will select Math. You should see a list of assessments, which should include the Skills Iowa Math Benchmark assessment.  Select that, and then view your report. 

For teachers, select the class you want to work with and then select Reports. Choose Assessment Results and then choose the Skills Iowa Math Benchmark assessment from the list of assessments. Finally, select the Show Report button to view your report.

You will also be receiving the data from other Skills Iowa schools who have administered the assessment. We hope that you have found Assessment Center easy to use and that more importantly, that you have found the data generated from the assessment useful in driving your instructional program.

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