Once you are logged in to Assessment Center, click on one of your classes. (You can add the new student to any class you choose, so if you have more than one student to add, don't worry about which class you choose.) Next, click on Class Details and then click Add/Remove Student. On the resulting page, you will enter the data about the student. The only parts that are not intuitive are the unique ID and the password.
For the unique ID, we use the ten digit state ID. If you don't have this, you can create an id of your own by choosing a few letters from the student's first name, last name, your school and a number, ie: John Smith from Washington Elementary could become johsmiwael2011. There is a pretty good chance that no one else in the country would use this exact set of letters and numbers.
For the password, we use the first initial and the first five letters of the last name. Again, John Smith would be jsmith. If the last name is fewer than five letters, then we use the first initial and the entire last name.
At the bottom of the page, you can choose the class you want to add the student to, or you can choose to create a student that is not going to be in any of your classes by choosing the option to add the student to your school. In either case, the student is automatically created in Skills Tutor as well.
If you get a notification that the student cannot be created now, please contact your project leader who can remedy that problem for you.
If you have any questions, please contact your project leader.