Monday, December 14, 2009

Two good ideas

There is always a concern about how to use the data from the we gather when we use Assessment Center assessments. If you are giving Reading assessments (ELA) here are two good ideas.

A teacher in Pocahontas Area Elementary has her students take her assessments on paper to control the climate of the room and also to allow her to make the assessment more authentic. She has her students go to the passage and write the number of the question next to the part of the passage that contains the answer. In this way, she slows down the students, and encourages them to go back to the passage and take some time to make sure they understand the question and are confident that they have answered it correctly.

A second teacher in the same school has his students go over the printed assessments after they have taken the assessment. He has the students work in pairs to discuss each missed question and together they have to find the answer in the text. This works on student communication and helps students explain their thinking to another student.

Both of these techniques are great ways to have your students increase their understanding of the passages they read. Both of these ideas are simple to implement, and easy for students to understand.

Good job!

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