Monday, February 16, 2009

Don't wait

If you have not done a lot in either Skills Iowa program this year, get started now; don't wait until next year. The gaps in your students' understanding can still be identified, and there is a lot of school year remaining to address these gaps. Use Assessment Center to create and administer the formative assessments that will allow you to discover where your students are struggling, and then use Skills Tutor to address those gaps and to help you help your students get a firm grasp on the basic skills that they need to understand and work with complex concepts.

Another good reason is that using Skills Iowa this year will allow you to get a better understanding of how you might use it next year. During training sessions, the time to decide how you might use the programs in your curriculum is limited. If you get a better understanding of the programs now, you can tailor the use of them next year when you set things up.

Get started now so you can use Skills Iowa to help you make that difference in student understanding this year and next. Click here for a brief review of the functions of each program.

If you have misplaced the quick reference guides for the programs that you received at your early year training, click here to find downloads of these guides. If you need further assistance to get going, click here to contact your project leader for help.

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